
[2015-10-09] Diabetes and Travel
Diabetes and Travel Travel is a wonderful way to discover new places and cultures, and having diabetes shouldn't stop you from experiencing new places. With these tips from the American Diabetes Association, you can stay healthy and safe on your adve
[2015-10-04] Asthma Pictures: Inflammatory Disorder of the Airways
What Is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that can make breathing difficult. It causes inflammation, swelling, and narrowing of the airways (bronchial tubes). Chronically inflamed bronchial tubes become very sensitive to inhaled allergens or
[2015-10-01] What are the usual ways of diagnosing uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are diagnosed by pelvic exam and even more commonly by ultrasound. Often, a pelvic mass cannot be determined to be a fibroid on pelvic exam alone, and ultrasound is very helpful in differentiating it from other conditions such as ova
[2015-09-24] What Is DVT?
What Is DVT?Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms inside a vein, usually deep within your leg. About half a million Americans every year get one, and up to 100,000 die because of it. The danger is that part of the clot can break off and tra
[2015-09-20] Picture of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Legs)
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF): An acute febrile (feverish) disease initially recognized in the Rocky Mountain states, caused by Rickettsia rickettsii transmitted by hard-shelled (ixodid) ticks. Occurs only in the Western Hemisphere. Anyone freq
[2015-09-17] What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
What Is Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes can affect all people, regardless of age. Early symptoms of type 2 diabetes may be missed, so those affected may not even know they have the condition. An estimated one out of every three people with type 2 di
[2015-09-11] A Picture Guide to Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Survival Rates Are Climbing The outlook for women with breast cancer is improving constantly. Due to increased awareness, opportunities for early detection, and treatment advances, survival rates continue to climb. While around 200,000
[2015-09-05] What is the treatment for uterine fibroids?
There are several options for the treatment of uterine fibroids that include surgery (hysterectomy, myomectomy, cryosurgery, MRI-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MRgFUS), and uterine artery embolization (UAE). Medical treatments include medi
[2015-09-02] Dehydration Causes, Symptoms and Tips to Stay Hydrated
Our Body of Water The majority of the body is made up of water with up to 75% of the body's weight due to H2O. Most of the water is found within the cells of the body (intracellular space). The rest is found in the extracellular space, which consists
[2015-08-30] Why is endometrial ablation done?
Why is endometrial ablation done? Endometrial ablation is a treatment for abnormal bleeding of the uterus that is due to a benign (non-cancerous) condition. It is not a sufficient treatment when bleeding is caused by cancer of the uterus, since cance

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