
[2014-10-22] What is NLS?

The whole variety and singularity of the organism’s physiological activities is placed in the brain as a connection system or as a stream of electrical signals send between the nerve cells or as a process of synthesis of one proteins and disintegration of the others. In general this is called the administration program. It is time to put the dispersed knowledge and imagination together and use the potential, which is settled in the human’s nature (Rouse S. 1995).

The results of the latest researches done by a virtual scanner generate new methodical ways of action and new concepts referring to the physiological activity’s process of a human’s organism. Along with new knowledge came also new technical achievements, such as the virtual reality, which can have a positive influence on the quality of a human’s life.

The methodical arguments are simple. If a human being and his brain make a uniform and a high dynamic system, so the fundamental molecular processes are first of all to delicate to be examined by the traditional biochemical, physiological or physical methods. Searching for a common way of organization on the organs, cell’s and molecule’s level – means trying to solve a problem on a not appropriate level of the analysis. We could spend our whole life examining the physiology of walking, without being able to give an exact answer, why a human being suddenly gets up and starts walking.

What do we actually know about the processes called the administration program? Why do those processes take place and what is their meaning? Those are changes which are taking place in exactly definite cells of the central nerve system. Those changes can be notified by the morphological method using optic or electronic microscopes as a permanent modification of the neurons structure and their synaptic compounds. Biochemical methods enable to view cascades of the cells activities, which start with opening the ionic channels in the synaptic membranes, followed by the synthesis of new proteins, initiated by a complex internal cell’s system and putting those proteins into the dendrites membranes.

Finally by the physiological methods it is possible to estimate the changes of the neuron’s electric peculiarities also connected with the membrane’s structure modification. Each established fact makes ask new questions. But from the virtual scanning point of view all this is an image or a matrix, which saves information for a purpose defined by the organism. In this meaning the information is being elaborated and kept in reciprocal related neurological nets by changing the synapse’s peculiarities.

The matrixes are dynamic and located between different brain areas. The nerve system’s evolution and it’s capability to change its peculiarities under the influence of individual experience are necessary to be examined as a continuously process of selecting the previous neuron groups and it’s synaptic compounds. In answer to the provoking and limiting environment’s influence, the administration program presented as changes of the electrical dynamic activity in the whole brain area and just the use of the virtual scanning allows to conduct it’s proper examines and correction. Lets notice, that such an attitude focuses the attention on a sudden character of the processes (that means that the peculiarities of the entirety are not characteristic for it’s particular parts, but that they depend on it’s reciprocal relation ).

Important is also, that the administration program is related to the activity of the whole organism in form particular habits of an intervention; for example the ability driving a car is coded not only in the brain, but also in the whole complex of changes, concerning the organs, systems, muscles and sinews. That’s why examines and proper administration programs of the virtual scanning method open to a doctor, to every sic and healthy human being new horizons. The above presented details will guide us to define the technology of the virtual scanning as a new way of perception a human being’s organism and diagnose it’s condition.

Virtual scanning – defines the condition of the brain’s administration program and it’s connections with the internal organs and systems. The whole scanning process is taking place on a personal biological model, which is reconstructed on the computer. Beside this a control of all the human being’s organization levels is taking place – from the molecular ones to the organism as a entire body.

What we call the administration program of the organs, systems, the exterior and internal environment – from the brain’s point of view – those are combinations of signals in form of collections of generated or preserved matrixes or images. Each image is unique and contains energetic, frequentative, material and time spaced characteristics of situations, which collection is called life.

Reciprocal relations of those groups are assured by the program, which is capable to define the relation between the matrixes and always finds matrixes which are the closest in their characteristic, depending on the situation. Whatever may take place inside or outside of the organism, it will always be transformed to the appropriate matrixes by the administration program.

Next, those matrixes will be compared to those already existing ones. After this there will start (or not) taking appropriate changes in the organism. Matrixes are always unique and no matter how many people are on earth, in their heads there will never be two identical ones. The virtual scanner establishes in the computer a set of matrixes, which are characteristic for the particular patient, what is just called the personal biological modeling. The estimation and comparison of the matrixes – this is what virtual scanning is – similar like the patient’s brain does and translates the received results into a terminology, used by the medicine.

To receive the starting information there are used specific patterns, which help to define the individual characteristics of the patient’s administration program, so also the characteristics of his matrixes combinations. In fact, the personal biological model is a model of each individual human being’s administration program. It’s an information about, what a human being represents in a particular moment, what kind of problems he had in the past, what is his internal organs and system’s condition like and where the problem is located.

All kinds of disharmony and the patient’s feeling that something is wrong ( if such had been expressed ), are saved in the computer as a temporary condition, before the disease brakes out but as soon as changes appear. The symptoms of such a disharmony are: growing old and getting on weight. Nobody and nothing knows more about a human being than its own brain.

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